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Communication in School

Teacher standing at the computer room holding papers in college.jpeg

Is communication in your school a constant challenge? Are you drowning in email and are teachers leaving notes for each other in pigeon holes?

In many larger schools maintaining good communication between all members of staff to ensure everyone knows what is happening; when meetings are taking place etc is a big challenge and often something that teachers complain about, saying they feel uninformed or ‘out of the loop’.


Why is communication important?

It’s important to maintain the sense of community and to ensure that everyone is pulling in the same direction. It’s important to ensure that everyone feels as best informed as they can be to be able to do their jobs and handle any queries from parents or students.



FREE DOWNLOAD: 5 ways to use Office 365 to improve school communication


It’s particularly important during times of change when it’s natural for staff to feel unsettled and unsure about what is happening, communication can help to keep everyone informed and calm some of the nervousness.


Accessing information

One of the main challenges schools face around internal communication is ensuring that everyone can access the policies, documents etc they need and that they are accessing the most up to date version. It’s a common issue and the source of much frustration.


Is a meeting always the answer?

Teachers are incredibly busy people and by the time students have gone home around 3.30pm they’ve already done an 8-hour day. The need to have meetings to discuss, share ideas and views etc is obviously important BUT does everything have to be shared and discussed in a staff meeting, department meeting, year group meeting, faculty meeting?

Click here to find 5 ways that technology could help improve communication in your school and reduce the number of meetings needed.