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Why should schools be considering the cloud?


We’ve heard a lot about ‘the cloud’ over the last few years and some schools are really starting to embrace the possibilities that web based services and applications can provide, however many are only just exploring the possibilities of this journey.

The DFE document - Cloud Computing: how schools can move services to the cloud- is a good starting point for understanding what's possible and how to start. Click to download your FREE copy:

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What is ‘the cloud’?

There’s a few misconceptions around the cloud – the most common being that it’s just the internet or world wide web. The reality is that there isn’t a single cloud, but lots of different clouds run and provided by a range of different suppliers and service operators, ranging from Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon to smaller more local providers. 

The cloud is just a term for moving services and applications out of school and into a centrally hosted / web environment.

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Why should schools be considering the cloud?

There are a number of benefits to be had from moving your IT services into a cloud environment:

  • Save teacher time in setting up individual machines and applications
  • Increase the ability to communicate and collaborate for both teachers and students
  • Improves your security and disaster recovery IT processes
  • Save money in maintaining and replacing expensive server / storage equipment in school

Applications in the cloud

Microsoft Office365, Google GSuite are just examples of moving traditional applications into the cloud. Schools will need to make a decision about which works best for them and way up the benefits of each. At Skooler we believe that Office365 provides an excellent platform for education services, utilising familiar applications such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint enabling you to prepare students for the world of work and their future prospects.

You could also move your MIS into the cloud, data security always has been and is increasingly important, but the new modern MIS systems provide robust, safe and scalable solutions in the cloud. Making data accessible anytime, anywhere as well as providing robust security and back up services.


How Skooler can help

If you’d like to know more about moving to the cloud and what’s involved then we can put you in touch with one of our partners to support you on your journey.

We’d love to show you how Office365 and Skooler as combined cloud services could truly transform your cloud teaching and learning provision – request a FREE demo here:

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