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It’s a snow day – school closure

It’s that time of the year when the weather becomes unpredictable and as we’ve seen this week, a significant snow fall can cause chaos and maybe result in you closing your school. School closures are never an easy decision and you have to take into account Health & Safety concerns not just on the school site but travel to and from school, for both staff and students. Once you’ve taken the decision to close – you need to communicate it and you also need some re-assurance that parents have read your messages! Otherwise you get a bunch of angry parents at the locked school gates tomorrow morning.

There are a wide range of parent communications systems that schools can buy into, but they’re standalone systems. Skooler’s fully featured learning tools within Office 365, come with parent messaging included. Enabling you to use the tools you already know (Office 365) to send communications to parents from within a single system. Parents can access on their mobile phone and confirm they’ve seen you’re message – that way you only need to focus on ensuring those that haven’t read are aware.


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Not only that but because everything’s in one place – your teachers could set some ‘snow day’ activities for students to complete at home, such as taking pictures of the snow or writing snowy poems. If students create their work in Class Notebook then everyone could enjoy them in the collaboration area or teachers can read everyone’s work.


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So with Skooler you can handle parent messaging, responses and learning all from within a single platform, using Office 365 which you already use anyway. Making it easy to use, easy to maintain without lots of different systems and helping your budget too.

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