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Using Technology to create lesson plans

As the Summer slips away attention starts to shift towards planning for the term ahead. Planning is important as it helps us to focus our thoughts on what to teach, the activities we’re going to use and how we’ll assess pupil progress, planning for the term helps us to map out curriculum coverage and identify resources we need so we can be more prepared.

Planning takes time and to be effective needs to be mapped to curriculum objectives and the needs of the children. Most teachers (probably every teacher) is now using their computer to do their planning, either completing a pre-defined school planning template or using their own. Yet, the curriculum objectives are largely the same and we’re potentially re-entering some information that is already pre-defined. Once you’ve completed you’re planning where are you saving it? Who has access to it? Is it easily editable so that you can adapt it as the inevitable happens and not everything goes according to plan?

You could save some time by automatically selecting objectives from the curriculum that have been pre-defined; do you have web resources or resources stored in the cloud that you want to quickly link to?

Maybe take a look at our planning tool, 4 easy steps to planning:

  • choose your objectives
  • identify when you’re going to teach it
  • add resources
  • add assessment opportunities




and everything can be automatically turned into an editable Word planning file, it could even automatically populate your school planning format.

Go one step further and create the homework or coursework assignments that students are going to do, associate them with curriculum objectives for reporting later and you’ve saved time and paper!




Take back your summer break! Learn how to build effective lesson plans using the latest in Edtech - Book a Skooler demo  to see our unique integrations with Office365 and how we have saved our teachers time over the holidays.

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Introducing new technology this September or have new staff joining you? Read how budget cuts can impact teacher training