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The Skooler blog

A Blog About Technologies That Will Shape Future Classrooms

Antony Moore

Office 365 for Education

Office 365 vs. Google apps for Education - which one is best?

By Antony Moore
14 February 2017 15:44:56 CET

Product updates

Skooler at Bett 2017 - A summary

By Antony Moore
31 January 2017 13:02:46 CET

Product updates

Skooler’s amazing integration with Office 365 has taken a new leap forward!

By Antony Moore
24 January 2017 22:22:43 CET

Alexa, when is my literacy assignment due?

By Antony Moore
18 January 2017 23:31:57 CET

We live in an increasingly connected world where communication is key to everything we do. If you’re in business, especially a service industry, then listening to and communicating with customers is essential. In education the skill of communicating effectively on many levels, teacher to students, peer to peer, teacher to parents etc etc ...

Digital Intelligence and 21st Century Skills

By Antony Moore
18 January 2017 23:18:10 CET

Make online learning tools a key part of your teaching and learning toolset THE WEF MODEL The World Economic Forum (WEF) has set out what it considers are the key elements for Digital Intelligence in 2016 and encourages education systems to embrace them if we are to have a global workforce for the future and our children effective digital...

21st Century Skills – Content Creator

By Antony Moore
18 January 2017 23:02:55 CET

When I was in the classroom it was officially ‘Communication’, although it was probably actually more about Content Creation, these days the focus seems to be on Coding. Coding is important, it helps learners to understand a little (maybe a lot) more about why the technology around us behaves the way it does. (It might even help me unders...